Dragon Boat Festival 2011

The Bun Festival

We love our mom!

Life in the Pearl- Ching Ming Festival

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Adventures

The summer started with a day on a Yacht for Maleah and I!! We went with some friends to a private beach and just played all day on and off the boat!! It was something not even James had ever done before and it was a blast. James still hasn't, haha, he had to work.
Maleah discovered it was quicker and easier to go through the window then to climb the latter!
She also taught our friend Yen to go through the window and by the end of the trip everyone was climbing through the window.
We have very much enjoyed having Arnica here and one night we took her to the light show! We had not been to the show since we've been back and it was one fun night!! It was very hot!!
We had parties with friends and BBQs on the roof
Maleah and I went to Disneyland a few times but it was so hot that we had to try and stay in shows the whole time!! But she got to meet all the princesses and cried for every single one.
Squidding (Fishing for Squid) was a new adventure for everyone also!! We boarded a boat at 8 in the evening and they took us to the middle of the ocean....then a light is shinned on the water and everyone is given a string with a hook on the end and there you go!! When you catch one they fry it up for you right there on the boat and you can eat it!! Cant get much more fresh then that.
I didn't eat one personally but James said they were great
Slurpee for the heat
Pizza on Friday nights
She was starving this night. She almost ate the whole thing!
B ball in the mornings

I play a different sort of ball!! Am I about to pop?......YES!!
We love where we live!!


Sarah said...

It's fun to read an update from you Cass! When are you due? I feel ready to pop too! If they won't mail the earrings to you have them mail them to your mom and then she can forward them to you:) mine came today and they are pretty.

Randi said...

So glad to see you guys are doing well! I'm excited for you to be having another little baby! Maleah is getting so big and she is such a pretty little girl!

Zach and Janelle Crockett said...

THANK. . . .YOU!!!!! It's about flippin' time someone tells you to update your darn blog. . haha. . although I pretty much had to beg you to update I do appreciate the time you took to do it! It is so good to see more recent things that have been goin on in my ol' buddies life. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to leave a comment and let you know that I have looked at your blog. . .i actually looked at it pretty much the day you posted it, but I have been really busy with things. But thanks so much for doin that! Maleah is ADORABLE!! not even kidding! and your belly is so CUTE!! I sometimes almost forget how being pregnant felt and that was only a month ago, but anyways I'm glad things are going great! Keep it up chica. . .don't start slackin' again . . .haha. .but seriously. . .Have a great day!!

nella said...

What a doll! Se!She has so much hair! Congrats on the baby boy!!! You are going to love him! You look so beautiful Cassie. You are an adventurous amazing woman!